What to do While Lucid Dreaming

What are some things to do while lucid dreaming?  The wonderful thing about lucid dreams and lucid dreaming is that the possibilities are endless.  The potential ways you can manipulate a dream create endless possibilities for what to do in lucid dreams including changing the course and outcome of any individual dream!

What to do while lucid dreaming overview

Things to do In Your Lucid Dreams

We have a guess that most people, at least at the beginning, are inspired by the incredible power of lucid dreams to achieve fantasies and adventures that would not be possible anywhere else.  Flying or jumping incredibly high, or meeting a fantasy friend may, at least at first be very compelling things to do while lucid dreaming. But learning what to do while lucid dreaming can be so much more, including the following examples.

Reduce Anxiety

Reduce your anxiety by confronting your fears


Visit the past or future

See what your mind conjures up


change outcomes

Visit the past and see what would happen if…

Learn to Fly

Learn to fly and then see where it takes you.

Meet new people

Historical figures, aliens, people you know

Try amazing things

Do things you can’t do while awake

Travel to new places

Find strange and exciting worlds 


Sit back and watch

See where your mind takes you

Make dream friends

Strange creatures may want to know you

What to do While Lucid Dreaming

What to do in a Lucid Dream

We can simplify and put the things to do while lucid dreaming into three major buckets.  Some people want lucid dreams that live out fantasies that are not possible in everyday waking life.  Others consider things to do while lucid dreaming a way to overcome anxieties and fears through confrontation, which is impossible while awake.  A third category of people choose what to do while lucid dreaming to relive life events or throughout history.  Finally, there are those whose choices of what to do in a lucid dream revolve around getting a better self-understanding through watching how dreams evolve and the signs that present.



You can do almost anything in a lucid dream


You can even let your unconscious decide

What to do While Lucid Dreaming So You Don’t Wake Up

One of the most important tasks ahead as you get excited about what to do while lucid dreaming is staying in the dream long enough to experience it all. There are many proposed techniques to use when you find your lucid dream fading too early.  At that point, you want to keep your lucid dreaming experience going, but you feel yourself waking up and can sense the background fading out.  Prolonging the lucid dream so you can find more things to do while lucid dreaming is something  that many people naturally get better at, and with practice more advanced lucid dreamers just manage to do it and may not be able to describe how in detail.  That said, we want to offer a few suggestions for prolonging your experiences so you can truly explore the things to do while lucid dreaming!

What to do While Lucid Dreaming to Slow Things Down

The first suggestion is to move around a little in the dream – not fast and excitedly, but slowly and deliberately.  Sometimes moving can activate a new part of the dream and re-energize the dream state.  We don;t mean that you should do anything too quickly that would be so stimulating that you’d wake up, but rather just a minor movement that might take you to a new place and therefore keep the lucid dream state going.  In some cases this might even mean just turning in a new direction or even closing your eyes and opening them in the dream.  Maybe a quick jumping in place would work.  A secondary effect of this action is that it might take your mind of the thought that you are waking up.

Things to do While Lucid Dreaming to Stay the Course

The other action that seems to work to prolong lucid dreams is making sure you continue to do the activity at hand in the dream.  In other words, just keep going, whether you are walking, flying, floating, or talking.  Too often lucid dreams fade because we get caught up in the thought that they are fading.  In other words, we distract ourselves right out of the dream state.  Try to jump-start the experience by continuing along your way, doing what you were doing, and maybe the dream will start up again.  

What to do in Lucid Dreams: Your Feedback

These are just a few examples of things to do while lucid dreaming so you can stay in and fully explore what to do in a lucid dream. We hope to hear from our readers about how they did with any of the above, and about other things to do while lucid dreaming!

From Our Founders

Knowing what to do while lucid dreaming 

We hesitated in creating this section, since what the things to do in lucid dreams are a personal choice. We wanted to give you ideas for what to do while lucid dreaming, and also leave it to you to use your amazing imaginations. 

Please feel free to share what to do in a lucid dream with others who are just starting out. Feel free to use our contact form to do so!