Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming
More intense dreams that you are more likely to remember. Learn how to use Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming!

More Dreams
Galantamine may expand REM sleep, meaning you will have more dreams, increasing the likelihood for lucidity. On of our favorite Galantamine for lucid dreaming products is Licidimine, because it is pure and simple.

More Intense Dreams
Galantamine may help you have more frequent dreams, and more this increases your chances of lucidity! Our favorite brand of Galantamine for lucid dream intensity is Evoganica, which is also cost-effective and pure.

Expensive but worth it
Life Enhancement Galatamine for lucid dreaming may be the best product out there, and it has very high customer reviews. It is more expensive than other brands, but may be worth it. It’s a very solid brand.

Excellent overall approach
Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming Overview
Galantamine for lucid dreaming.
We want you to learn how to use galantamine for lucid dreaming.
about 5-HTP
Why Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming?
The use of galantamine for lucid dreaming is based on its acetylcholinesterase inhibiting properties. Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in memory, learning, and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is the stage of sleep associated with dreaming. By inhibiting the breakdown of acetylcholine, galantamine may increase levels of acetylcholine in the brain, potentially enhancing dream vividness and the ability to become lucid within dreams.
Some individuals report learning how to use galantamine for lucid dreaming, often following specific protocols that involve taking the supplement during specific stages of sleep.
The science
How to Use Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming
Galantamine is quite powerful and some would suggest that you wake yourself up after a few hours of restful sleep because it may interfere with your sleep cycles. The supplement will start to work quickly, within an hour, so you ill still have time to enjoy the effects and benefits of this lucid dreaming supplement. The dose varies from around 4mg to up to 12 mg, with the most common instruction being to use around 6 mg. That said, as with most lucid dreaming supplements it is advisable to start with a low dose since many people do respond to less than 8mg. When you first take Galantamine as a lucid dreaming supplement you may want to do so on a night where you do not need a restful sleep given that it might interfere with your sleep pattern.
One of the major caveats with learning how to use galantamine for lucid dreaming is that it must only be taken once or maybe twice each week. More than that and it can not only lose its effect, but it can lose its effect for quite a while even when you stop. Therefore we suggest that you choose to take Galantamine on those perfectly set up nights when you’ve faithfully done your lucid dreaming techniques, you can get a very good night’s sleep, and you have time in the morning to reflect on and remember tour dreams.
Of course if you experience any side effects after taking Galantamine for lucid dreaming you should discontinue its use or, if they are mild, perhaps lower the dose you are taking. And as with any lucid dreaming supplement make sure you talk to your doctor if side effects are moderate to severe, and also talk to him or her ahead of time if you are taking any other medications.
Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming Information
Lucid Dreaming with Galantamine
Galantamine is a lucid dreaming supplement you have likely not heard of unless you are a more advanced lucid dreamer, or unless you have followed this blog or another resource like us. Yet galantamine can be extremely helpful in your pursuit of dram control. Thus we decided that this particular lucid dreaming supplement deserves its own page. Though learning how to use galantamine for lucid dreaming is powerful and many would say quite effective in setting the stage for lucidity, there are some strong cautions that must be needed if you are going to use this lucid dreaming supplement. The sellers and manufacturers may not be clear in providing those warnings, and thus it is vital that you do some independent research before starting.
Dream Views, a great site for lucid dreamers, has a nice review of Galantamine for Lucid dreaming
The amazing Lucidipedia website also has information about how to use galantamine for lucid dreaming
Why Use Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming
This lucid dreaming supplement has been studied for many years, starting as early as the 1970s when researchers showed that inhibiting the uptake of acetylcholine (which is what this supplement does) was related to dreaming in a direct way. It also seemed to have effects on memory. So the lucid dreaming community soon took note – a potential lucid dreaming pill that could help them have more and remember their dreams?! So if lucid dreaming techniques are faithfully practiced, this supplement can help with success by increasing REM sleep and making it easier to remember.
Recent studies, including by industry leader Stephen Laberge and his group have shown that there is a greater likelihood of someone reporting a lucid dream on Galantamine than when taking a placebo. The results seemed most promising with wake-induced lucid dreaming techniques, especially those involving waking up in the middle of the night and then trying to transition to lucidity.
As powerful as these results sound, and as tempted as you may be to dive in with your use of Galantamine for lucid dreams, we suggest that it may be best taken only after you have had a few lucid dreams using your techniques. First of all this ensures that you do not become reliant on this supplement to ensure success, and second so that you can make sure that your techniques are so solid that they do not need the boost provided by galantamine or any other lucid dreaming supplement for success.
But you may be wondering if Galantamine is anything more than a lucid dreaming placebo. Of course we freely admit that to some degree anything you do during the day that gets you focused on lucid dreaming – any routine or effort – will help you induce dream control. In fact, most lucid dreaming techniques are actually based on this theory. But Galantamine actually has a specific mechanism of action that is known to work.
Common Side Effects
Generally galantamine has a low side effect profile suggesting that most people will not have galantamine side effects and if they do they will be mild. That said, there are galantamine side effects you should know about, and you should still definitely consult with your doctor first especially if you are taking any medicines or have a medical issue. There are very uncommon galantamine side effects but we list them first because should you experience them you need to call your doctor immediately and they include:
- Chest pain, tightness, or discomfort
- light-headedness of any kind
- shortness of breath or rapid breathing
- anything that feels severe or puts you at some sort of risk
- Blurred vision
- confusion
There are galantamine side effects that may go away after a short while if you stop taking the supplement, but still warrant at least a quick call to your doctor’s office such as
- light-headedness when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
- change in heart rate rhythm
- rapid breathing
- redness of the face or neck
- tiredness or weakness
The following galantamine side effects may occur, and if they remain mild you may not need to call your doctor. They should, however, go away within a few times of taking the supplement
- decreased appetite and mild weight loss
- mild diarrhea that goes away
- gassiness, nausea, or heartburn
- mild irritability
- mild trouble concentrating or sleeping
Conclusions about Galantamine for Lucid Dreams
One caution about Galantamine: Many suggest that this supplement only be taken up to two times each week, given that your brain can build up a tolerance to its effects. Thus galantamine may be a very powerful supplement to take on occaision to have enhanced lucid dreaming experiences, but should not take the place of techniques you would use daily to enjoy the possibility of lucid dreams every night.
Good luck if you choose Galantamine for Lucid Dreaming!
Here are some of the common questions people ask about Career Testing.
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How Long Will Career Testing Last?
Again, we repeat a caveat: Nicotenic receptors can burn out if this chemical reaction repeats too often. Basically they need time to recover before they can go through this process again. If you take Galantamine too often you risk the possibility of burning out these receptors and having fewer memorable dreams. No worries if you only take Galantamine once or maybe twice each week – that gives enough recovery time.
WebMD has a good overview of this supplement.
How Specific are the Results of Career Testing?
When and how to use galantamine for lucid dreaming. This supplement is often taken by the lucid dreamer in the middle of the night so that it can have its maximum effect during REM periods of sleep. It is often taken together with Vitamin B5 which seems to enhance its effect, especially on dream recall. Many have reported that galantamine actually does not necessarily induce lucid dreams, but merely makes all dreams more vivid and memorable – still an important effect for the lucid dreamer.
When Will I Get the Report and Results
Galantamine can be combined with other lucid dreaming supplements, and it is frequently taken with Choline. Keep in mind that you may want to start with this one before introducing another supplement so you know exactly what its effects are alone – and you know what the effect of each individual lucid dreaming supplement is before finding out what they can do in combination.
Can Career Testing be Combined with other Tests?
Galantamine may be the most powerful supplement there is when it comes to lucid dream induction, and also the production of longer, more vivid, and highly memorable dreams in general. Used for centuries as a supplement that is a brain-booster and memory enhancer, this natural home remedy has also been known to help people remmeber their dreams and and become self-aware while dreaming.
Our Favorite
The top choice
Thorne 5
Once you learn how to use galantamine for lucid dreaming, you’ll want the most powerful and effective supplement.