How to Have More Lucid Dreams
Techniques and ideas

Once you’ve had one, you’ll want to learn how to have lucid dreams more often. Ideas will run through your mind, and you’ll wonder how you can experience flying, go to a fanciful place, or meet up with an old friend.
Learning how to have a lucid dream is relatively easy, whether you want to purely do so to have incredible adventures, or whether you want to achieve lucidity in order to do some form of self-exploration or improvement.
Dream control can also be used to learn how to use this activity for more serious or important pursuits. People with fears, such as a fear of flying, public speaking, or social events can overcome their fears through practice in learning how to have lucid dreams. People who live under the weight of sadness or regret about past events can relive them and experience the joy they missed.
Finally, learning how to have lucid dreams can simply be used to fully remember and interpret the direction your dreams go. You can be what we call “passively in control”, fully aware but letting your subconscious direct the dream. This is a wonderful way to understand the motivations, hopes, and fears you have that you may be less aware of.
Our Mission: Helping You Learn How to Have Lucid Dreams
Learning how to have lucid dreams is easy. Becoming fully conscious and in control in your dreams is something almost anyone can do. It takes practice, patience, and some discipline to learn how to have a lucid dream. But the end result is well worth it! We believe that learning how to have lucid dreams should be free. We promote free lucid dreaming techniques.
Lucid dreams provide a wonderful way to have adventures and do things that are not possible while awake. Our site covers the very latest tips and tricks when it comes to lucid dreams, including how to techniques and new ways to enjoy dream control experiences. Our aim is to be a comprehensive website that remains completely free and will allow our readers to attain natural lucid dreams as soon as possible. Learning how to have lucid dreams is not complicated, but there are certain specific tips and ideas that can help have lucid dreams sooner or can make them last longer or be more vivid.
We hope that you will use our comprehensive pages to study lucid dreaming techniques and tips that will assist you on your journey. We will be sure to update our pages as major new advancements are made. We might provide information and reviews of certain aids that can help promote lucid dreams or relay information about new research that has been done regarding lucid dreams.
Having More Lucid Dreams
We don’t want to just teach people how to have lucid dreams, we want to help you have them often! Here are just a few examples of what you can try:
- A Lucid Dreaming Mask is a device that can detect when you are in REM sleep and signal you with a light or sound. This has been reported to help trigger lucid dreams and can work well with many of the techniques you have learned.
- Self-promotion alert! Follow our blog for the latest tips or go to good lucid dream forum sites and get new ideas and advice
- Try supplements and related products that have been found to enhance or promote dream control experiences.
- Try other technologies, such as music and certain beats.’
- Vary your techniques and try new ones. If wake-induced techniques aren’t enough, add dream-induced ones, for example
- Just keep at it – lucid dreams may become more frequent just by you sticking with your practice
We wish you the best of luck as you learn how to have lucid dreams repeatedly, and we hope you will check in using our comments sections if you have advice for others or just want to relate to your own story. As we mentioned we are happy to hear about topics that you think we should cover in this blog as well. Even after you begin to have lucid dreams we hope you will return to see whether the information and advice here can help you improve the experience of having them more often.
We will be updating this site often so stay tuned. Thanks for visiting and we hope you have a lucid dream tonight!

The Bottom Line
More vivid dreams