Aceytlcholine for Lucid Dreaming
More intense and memorable dreams. Learn how to use Acetylcholine for Lucid Dreaming!

More Dreams
For a great combination that includes acetylcholine for lucid dreaming and other great ingredients such as Bacopa, we recommend Dr. MaxWell

Simple but Effective
For a simple yet effective formula with limited ingredients but solid amounts of acetylcholine, we like Natural Stacks. It also contanis two types of choline.

Expensive but worth it
Life Enhancement Galantamine for lucid dreaming may be the best product out there, and Galantamine helps you retain more acetylcholine naturally.

Excellent overall approach
Acetylcholine for Lucid Dreaming Overview
Many have reported a strong Acetylcholine lucid dreaming connection. As you consider lucid dreaming supplements in general, and Acetylcholine for lucid dreaming specifically, you may have questions and we designed this page to answer some of the more common inquiries people might have. Your questions might also be answered on our other pages, and there are many lucid dreaming forums where you’ll find previous questions answered and can ask new ones. And finally some retailers provide a means for you to get your questions answered before you buy a product.
about 5-HTP
Why Acetylcholine for Lucid Dreaming?
Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that plays a role inrapid eye movement (REM) sleep, which is the stage of sleep associated with dreaming. Increasing levels of acetylcholine in the brain enhance dream vividness. Many experienced lucid dreamers report that increased vividness improves your chances at lucidity.
How to Use Acetylcholine for Lucid Dreaming
Please feel free to write in if there are any major questions we have not covered here, or if you want more information or clarification. And as we mentioned before there are many places to get additional information or a second opinion about the answers you find here. Taking any supplement is something that requires homework and preparation, and reading the information on our pages, and knowing the answers to these questions is a positive step before taking Acetylcholine for lucid dreams.
WebMD has a good overview of this supplement.
Using Acetylcholine for Lucid Dreaming
Once you have your supplement, you must be careful about how you will use it. There are three main instructions for using Acetylcholine for lucid dreaming:
- Do not use it every night; in fact, you may want to limit your usage to one or two times each week. You may want to save it for nights where you have an optimal set-up for lucidity, such as when you can get a full night’s sleep and are going to bed tired. One way or another, you need to optimally use this lucid dreaming aid strategically because it can also make you feel like you cannot have lucid dreams without it.
- Make sure you are still concentrating on solid lucid dreaming techniques. Acetylcholine supplement alone will not somehow produce lucidity. Your techniques are what will bring on your lucid dreams, even if the supplement helped set the stage. You may feel that this remedy does a lot and makes your dreams more vivid and exciting, but don’t be distracted by that into thinking that you can lower your focus on solid techniques.
- Track your usage of this lucid dreaming supplement – what time you take it, how well it works, how tired you were that day, and maybe even what you ate. You need to perfect your use of Acetylcholine for lucid dreams to know exactly which days are optimal and exactly how and when to take it. It may work very well the first time you try it, but that does not mean you should not experiment a little.
Other than these three guidelines, make sure you follow the instructions on the packaging you receive as far as dosage and also make sure that your doctor is aware that you will be taking it, especially if you are on other medication or have any preexisting condition.
Start slow with Acetylcholine for lucid dreaming
It is often easier to go with a lower dose of your Acetylcholine supplement, allowing you to see whether you can get effects from a smaller amount. This also may give you the maximum flexibility when raising your dose. Starting with a low dose can save you money and reduce the chances of side effects. You may even find that you can vary your doses depending on factors such as how tired or confident you are that you know how to induce lucid dreaming.
Look for advice about acetylcholine and lucid dreaming
Look for recommendations of where to buy Acetylcholine from lucid dreaming forums and other sites. Be careful to avoid or at least to carefully assess any promotions from individuals who may be benefiting from your choice. Signatures with links and links contained within posts that point to places to buy this lucid dreaming supplement may indicate that the person benefits from your choice. This may not always be a problem since some people sign up to be affiliates for products they themselves use and like, but it just means that you should exercise some caution and ensure the product is top quality.
While it is likely that if you choose to purchase your Acetylcholine from a reputable distributor, you will be satisfied with the product you receive. However, you should still adhere to the above to ensure you get the very best product. There are likely several choices, and small differences may help you choose.
Acetylcholine and Lucid Dreaming Summary
Acetylcholine supplements can be very helpful in setting the stage for lucid dreaming. It can give you a boost on nights when you are optimally set up for lucidity because you are tired and can sleep until morning, help you out of a rut if you find that you have not been able to achieve lucidity for some time and help you in the beginning so you prove to yourself that you can in fact become lucid in your dreams. It may also make your experiences more vivid and longer, which is a positive.
Livestrong has information about Acetylcholine and dreaming in general, and “how to lucid dream faster” does a nice job looking into acetylcholine and related supplements.
Here are some of the common questions people ask about Acetylcholine and Dreaming.
You can also contact us or schedule a consultation to get more information.
What is the Acetylcholine lucid dreaming connection?
The neurotransmitter acetylcholine has an effect on the length and vividness of dreams. The exact mechanism by which this chemical process caused changes in dreaming is at best complicated and some would say not well-known. However, it is clear that this effect is common and has been noted repeatedly.
Should I take Acetylcholine for lucid dreaming with any other supplement?
Many formulas that tap into the Acetylcholine lucid dreaming connection include other ingredients which are said to magnify its effects. There are not other supplements that you should definitely take with it, and in fact we suggest that you only try one lucid dreaming supplement at a time so you know how it works for you. Once you are completely clear about what this particular lucid dreaming supplement is doing and what effect it is having you might consider adding another natural supplement that could provide different effects that together will provide a combination approach, but we caution you at getting too reliant on the idea of needing aids in your quest for lucidity.
Should I use WILD or DILD techniques?
Acetylcholine for lucid dreaming can work with both dream-induced and wake-induced techniques, as long as the wake-induced techniques are used long enough after taking the supplement that it is actually having an effect. However, since it does work fairly quickly it is one of the that can truly be used for both kinds of technique. And as related to the question directly above, we suggest that you do not let you choice of type of technique be influenced by any lucid dreaming herb, and instead use the technique that works best for you and choose the herb that would work best secondarily.
How should I take Acetylcholine for lucid dreaming?
The best way to take Acetylcholine may be to wake yourself up 4-6 hours into your sleep at night. It will then work well with the time of night you are often experiencing frequent REM cycles. Some say that if you take it too early, like before you go to bed, it will interfere with early sleep cycles. All of this means that Acetylcholine is best taken when you can get a full night’s sleep.
Where can I find Acetylcholine and how much should it cost?
It is unlikely that you will find this lucid dreaming supplement at your neighborhood bricks and mortar pharmacy or supplement store. You’ll likely have to buy it online and you should expect to pay around $40-60 for 90 capsules. Within a tight range you may not want to necessarily buy the cheapest product. Look for online stores that have been noted positively at lucid dreaming forums or that have generally high ratings at large retailers that aggregate the products from many sources. Make sure you ask questions if you need to about where the store gets their products and what quality control they do.
Are there any other similar supplements?
Of course you do not have to stick with Acetylcholine for too long if you find it is not working. There are many other supplements to try, including Calea Z which is also a popular choice. Try one and stick with it long enough to get a clear picture of whether it is working for you, and then switch if it does not seem effective.
Our Favorite
Buying a product that has a main ingredient that you want and a booster known to work closely with the main ingredient, is a good idea. This way you know that that main ingredietnt is working for you, and you give it the best chance to do so.
The top choice
Thorne 5
Once you learn to use Acetylcholine for lucid dreaming, we think this is the best product: Dr. MaxWell