Lucid Dreaming Stories
Stories from lucid dreamers to motivate you
I Learned to Fly

After using reality checks during the day – literally trying to fly while asking myself whether I was dreaming, I suddenly found myself lifting off above the trees! My lucid dreaming stories since then have been amazing!
I Overcame Anxiety

After using reality checks during the day – literally trying to fly while asking myself whether I was dreaming, I suddenly found myself lifting off above the trees!
I Let My Mind Talk

I thought all I”d want to do is have adventures and go to amazing places, but being conscious in my dream and just watching what unfolded was really cool.
I Traveled to Strange Places

After using reality checks during the day – literally trying to fly while asking myself whether I was dreaming, I suddenly found myself lifting off above the trees!
How Lucid Dreaming Stories Can Help
Lucid dreaming stories can be quite motivating and interesting, prompting a beginning lucid dreamer to try harder and a more advanced practitioner to try new things. Lucid dream stories can also help a person sort out their own meanings – just the process of writing down one’s own lucid dreaming stories can bring new levels of understanding. Thus we aim to present the lucid dreaming stories submitted by our readers plus our own lucid dream stories for your entertainment, motivation, and interest. Please feel free to use the contact us form to submit your own lucid dreaming stories and be specific about what it is okay to include. The only editing we might do is condensing your lucid dreaming stories but we will never add to them or change the content. If we get a lot of submissions we will try to make this page representative of all the different major types of lucid dreaming stories that people tell, but even that may make for quite a long page!
Finding Lucid Dreaming Stories

Where to Get Lucid Dreaming Stories
You can get lucid dream stories in many places, both online and in person. While again we hope to begin listing the lucid dreaming stories you submit here on this page, we also want to make sure you know where else to get them. We will never lift content from anywhere else, but we do want to provide the links and other information that can help you find other resources. Here are places external to this website where you can find lucid dreaming stories:
Family and Friend Lucid Dreaming Stories
Do not overlook the idea of asking friends and family if they’ve ever experienced lucidity. Most people have had lucid dreams naturally and without trying, whether they remained lucid for the whole dream or just a part. This can be a great conversation starter and the best thing is that it may lead to you having new partners with whom to share your journey and to trade techniques and experiences. Of course, it can be awkward to open up the topic to some people, but keep in mind that may also be why they are hesitating to tell you!
Lucid Dreaming Stories on the net
Forums are perhaps the best place to find people who are telling their lucid dream stories. You may want to look into each poster to see whether you think she or he is legit – look for signs that the poster is quite involved in general and perhaps helpful to those who ask questions. Those who have been posting at the forum for a while and post a little more often than most may be reliable. Many forums actually have ways to tell how reliable the person is – often based on feedback they’ve received from other members of the forum. Two of the more known and established lucid dreaming forums are LD4all and the forum at World of Lucid Dreaming. There are other good ones as well:
- This collection of lucid dreaming stories is user submitted and comprehensive
- Quora also has an excellent user compilation of lucid dream stories
Lucid Dreaming Stories on Social Media
There are also many blogs where people tell their lucid dreaming stories, including ones on popular platforms like Tumblr, and more independent ones. You might also see mentions on popular social media websites. You may even want to interact with these people, submitting comments or questions when possible. This not only will help you get an answer or two to questions you may be curious about regarding the experience of lucidity, but it might also make the person feel heard and respected. There is even a Facebook Page where people submit their own Lucid Dream Stories, and it is well done (we are not involved with editing or maintaining that page)
Lucid Dreaming Stories about products
Sometimes in the comments that people can post about certain lucid dreaming aids such as masks, supplements, and music, people will post their lucid dreaming stories as examples of how the product worked for them. Of course, you need to be careful that the person posting is not an affiliate (someone who makes money if people buy that particular aid), but in many cases, the poster is merely trying to encourage others because s/he truly had success with the product.
It can be beneficial and interesting to pursue lucid dreaming stories by any of those methods, and hearing stories from others can be quite motivating. This process may also give you new ideas as far as the all important techniques you might choose to use. Perhaps some of you reading this will use one of these methods to post your own stories for others to hear.
How to Generate Your Own Lucid Dreaming Stories
To report lucid dream stories, you need to remember your dreams in the first place. There is wide variation in how many dreams people remember. Most people remember dreams that are particularly vivid or carry substantial meaning. However, these types of dreams may only occur for some people once or twice each week. People also tend to remember dreams that happen close to when they wake up or if they are awoken in the middle of the night. Finally, nap dreams are often remembered well.
How to Remember Your Lucid Dreaming Stories
The best way to train yourself to remember your dreams is through “suggestion and action“, which basically means telling yourself that you will remember your dreams and doing a ritual afterwards that reinforces that. And the best ritual by far is keeping a dream journal. Each night before you go to bed, tell yourself that you will be recording your dreams in your dream journal (it can be a book, an electronic recorder, or even a video camera if you want to act something out!).
Keep the dream journal by your bed. Each morning, first thing before you rise, record all the dreams you can remember in as much detail as you can remember. As time goes on, you will remember more and more dreams and recall more detail and depth of each dream through the use of the dream journal. If you ever feel a little stuck and can’t remember your dreams, try waking up a little earlier than normal (like 30 minutes or so). This can help jump-start your memory of the previous night’s dreams and perhaps lead you to be able to tell some lucid dream stories!
Know Why Your Lucid Dreaming Stories Are What They Are
To enhance the meaning behind your lucid dreaming stories, it is important to understand why we dream in the first place. What are the meanings behind what we encounter in our dream world, and why do we remember certain aspects of the dream so vividly. Here are some theories about why we dream, though there are many more:
1. One recent theory suggests that dream content is the result of our brains interpreting external stimuli while we sleep. Noises and tactile input sets off the dream experience.
2. Dreams have also been said to have an organizational and clean-up function, where they serve to get rid of stray fragments of memory and thought in order to refresh the mind for the new day. Similarly, another theory holds that the dream helps piece together ideas and thoughts that go together but were not associated during the day.
3. Some have suggested that dreams and dream meanings are merely a by-product of the activation of parts of our brains that hold memories, images, and emotion. The signals from these parts of the brain are pieced together in a way that makes sense, but not always completely.
4. Sigmund Freud, and then later psychoanalysts suggested that dreams are a representation of unconscious desires, feelings, and motivations. These may be impulses that are normally repressed and need an outlet. Sometimes these repressed desires are expressed directly in the dream, while at other times they are expressed indirectly through metaphor and stand-ins.
5. There is also a model of dream interpretation that suggests that dreams are a sort of self-psychology. A step down from the psychoanalytic view, this theory suggests that it’s not unconscious impulses but rather conscious confusion and uncertainty that is tied together in the dream world.
Perhaps you have ideas about dream meanings and theory, perhaps generated from your own lucid dreaming stories?