How to Lucid Dream Easily
This is going to be great! You have started your journey toward dream control and all the adventures it can bring. The Lucid Dreaming Steps for beginners we list on this page will get you started. Take these steps to lucid dream, maybe even tonight!
Easy Lucid Dreaming
Helping you learn how to lucid dream easily tonight is of course the goal of this website. Let’s start with the basics. There are two categories of techniques to help you learn how to lucid dream easily: “wake-induced” and “dream-induced”. The former involves entering lucidity as you fall asleep, while the latter refers to entering over the course of the night. These two techniques are not mutually exclusive – you can try both at once. Here are some specific suggestions:

Get Started
How to Lucid Dream Easily: Overview
The following overview should help you learn to lucid dream easily
How to Lucid Dream Easily: The Basics
During the day repeatedly ask yourself a simple phrase such as “Am I dreaming?”. At the same time perform a quick reality check by looking around and seeing whether everything seems real, or are you in fact in a dream?!. As it becomes almost a habit, this question will spread to your dreams. Just being here and returning a lot may promote you learning how to lucid dream tonight! One idea is to set an alarm clock to wake you 4 or so hours after you go to bed. When you are falling back to sleep imagine doing reality checks until, finally, you find yourself doing a check in a dream! An added tip you can try also involves setting an alarm clock, but this time when you wake, immediately remember your most recent dream. Play that dream through more “chapters”, or repeat aspects over in your head. Eventually, you may fall asleep while remaining conscious in the dream.
Wikihow also covers this topic and provides steps to lucid dreaming.
How to Lucid Dream Easily: Know the Signs
One powerful way to learn how to lucid dream easily is to habitually bring the topic of lucidity into your waking life. This way, when one of your “habits” occurs in your dream, and the result is something you would not normally see during the waking state, you may become aware and lucid. You should also do them at particular points of the day when specific things happen that, if you were dreaming, would go very differently. These are called dream signs. For example:
– Clocks in dreams never stay still and constant. The time will change strangely or quickly. Look at clocks all the time. Ask yourself if you are dreaming as you look at them. This is an easy habit to get into.
– Text of any sort in dreams will change after you look away, so when you are typing or reading (or right now!) look away and see what things look like when you look back.
– Images in mirrors will usually be fuzzy in a dream, so when you are looking in a mirror, or even when you pass a window where you can see your reflection, look carefully and ask yourself if you are dreaming
– When you jump in a dream you may not come down! Or you may go much higher than in waking life. This one may be a little harder to practice on a regular basis but is still a powerful way to look for signs
– Poking yourself – in a dream, it will not hurt, and your skin will likely feel strange in some way. Another one that is easy to discretely do during the day
These are just some of the signs that may work for you, whether you are learning how to lucid easily using WILD or DILD techniques. Our hope is that you might use the information on this page to learn how to lucid dream fast!
Try Passive Lucid Dreaming
You can also learn your own particular dream signs in a different way if you are lucky enough to be achieving lucidity already, but maybe lucid dreams don’t last long enough because you get too excited. While it is very tempting to jump in and take control and have an adventure or do superhuman things during your first experiences, there is another opportunity that the dream world presents that many fail to take advantage of, which is to learn from the signs and content that appear naturally when the dreamer is just an observer. Try to remember if you tend to see any of the above signs. Again, remember that being more passive is a commonly prescribed way of learning how to lucid dream easily in order to lengthen the dream and not wake up too early. But even for the more advanced practitioner, spending some dreams in a more passive and observational state can lead to new insights and revelations.
One last suggestion: Use your journal to notice patterns in your own dreams. What patterns, behaviors, objects, etc. recur? It might be that you are often in certain rooms, wearing certain clothes, or seeing certain pieces of furniture. The more you notice this and are aware of it, the more these items may spark you to consciousness during the dream state.
Best of luck as you start your quest to learn how to lucid dream easily tonight!
Featured Lucid Dreaming Product

Lucid Dream Mask
To jump-start your lucid dreaming journey, how about a mask that senses when you are dreaming and sends you a signal? This is the original.
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A great mask to help you get a good night’s sleep, play binaural beats or isochronic tones, or just soothing music.
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Galantamine and Choline are two of the more powerful lucid dreaming supplements. This highly rated product has both.