We want to help you learn how to lucid dream tonight!
This website is one of the most comprehensive free website on the web designed to help you learn to have lucid dreams quickly and easily.
Our lucid dreaming tips are tried and tested. We also provide help when you hit a challenge, and advanced techniques when you have mastered the art. And best of all, everything on this website is free! Our aim is to teach you learn how to have lucid dreams tonight. This wonderful and natural experience can be had by everyone who visits!
Many of you have probably had a spontaneous bit of lucidity. You may have been fascinated by it and wondered what it would be like to have that type of experience more often. Maybe you’ve heard someone else talk about their own thoughts about how to have lucid dreams. But until now you may have dismissed the possibility of learning how to have lucid dreams regularly. We’re here to fix that. You can achieve lucidity tonight, or at least soon. We’re here to help
Lucid Dreaming: Getting Started
So, where to begin on your journey to having lucid dreams? There are three steps to take right now to start your journey toward dream control.
Step One: Ask Yourself, “Am I Dreaming?” (Then ask again…and again)
Before you even get more information from the rest of our website about how to have lucid dreams, you can truly start on your path immediately. From now forward ask yourself the question “am I dreaming” and carefully look around to check to see if anything looks strange. If you are awake things will look like they always do. Yet one of these times you will find yourself in a dream. Keep asking yourself the question all day today. That way it becomes such a part of your routine. Suddenly you’ll find both the question and yourself actually dreaming. It becomes a trigger. We’ve just given you the ultimate short cut, the basic how to lucid dream tips that underlies all others.
Step Two: Talk about lucid dreaming
Other steps you can take right now are to think about partners in your life who want to learn how to have lucid dreams. Practicing how to have lucid dreams and staying motivated and energized can be made easier if others are doing it with you. If you don’t want to do this with people in your real life, look to forums and other online meeting places where others who are learning how to lucid dream tend to go.
Step 3: Keep a Dream Journal
Start right away on a campaign to be sure you are remembering all of your experiences. Keep a journal and stay with it. It can be a written journal, an audio one, or even a video. One way or another having the intention to remember and giving yourself the instruction that you will keep track of things can make it more likely that you will be able to recall everything.
About Our Lucid Dreaming Website
This website was created as a way for anyone looking to learn how to have lucid dreams to get up-to-date advice and support. Everyone can learn the art. Most people report having had spontaneous experiences at some point in their life. Being able to decide how to have lucid dreams, how to guide the content, and where it will all end up are the steps we aim for here. It may take some time and practice to fully control things, but it’s possible. And as we’ve said, the effort is quite worthwhile. The lucid dreaming tips here and you can find elsewhere are quite simple and easy to integrate into your waking life with little or no disruption at all.
We see this natural ability as a means to find new joy, overcome anxieties, relive past experiences, and come to new understandings about life circumstances. It is not meant to take the place of more formal treatment for psychiatric difficulties.
This website was designed to help as many people as possible learn how to have lucid dreams. We founded this website on five basic tenets:
1. Our coverage of lucid dreaming will be meaningful
This site will cover topics that are of interest to our visitors, such as meanings found in regular dreams, methods of remembering better, and ways to share content with a partner to deepen relationships.
2. We will provide lucid dreaming information for free
We will always bring the majority of our information about learning how to have lucid dreams to you for free. We want to promote the excitement about lucidity. Hopefully as many people as possible enjoy lucid dreams as quickly as possible. There is no ulterior motive and are not selling any aides here or pushing for any type of membership. We do offer coaching for a reasonable fee for those who want a consultant to walk them through how to have a lucid dream tips and keep them motivated. Of course this is not at all required. There will never be any parts of this website that are off-limits to anyone.
At no point will we directly promote a specific product. We feel that staying completely independent and unbiased is best. And because all information her is original and unique we protect it by copyright. We ask that anyone wishing to copy it ask for permission first and properly attribute it.
3. We will remain independent
We are a fully independent website with all unique content. We do not directly promote any product or service. While we offer links to some other free websites such as forums none of our links are affiliate (paid) links. Our goal is to help you learn how to lucid dream. It’s that simple. Our content is designed to revolve around that particular goal and little else. W hope that we are successful in that regard. Please stay in touch with us. Use the comments sections, e-mail us, or otherwise let us know if our advice is working for you. What in particular worked, and what can we improve on?
4. You can share information about your lucid dreams anonymously
Finally, we guarantee your anonymity of you decide to participate in this website. Your dreams are private and even the fact that you are pursuing learning how to have a lucid dreams may not be something you want shared publicly. We will not ask for identifiable information about you, nor would we ever share anything you tell us in the contact sections without asking you first.
Other Resources To Learn How to Have a Lucid Dream
Of course the field of learning how to have lucid dreams is not a complicated one. You will certainly find the same of similar advice in other places. Some of the techniques and tips we write about are somewhat universal. We aim to provide these techniques and tips in a comprehensive and organized way. In many cases we’ve added our own tweaks and unique advice. All of that said, we have tremendous respect for other resources that are out there. We encourage you to discover them and even pass them along to other readers here. This website by Daniel Steinbock: 4 Steps to Conscious Dreaming is an example.
We are humble here at the Center. We know that even an excellent comprehensive website like our should not be anyone’s only resource as they are learning how to have a lucid dream. You need to look at a variety of places. Get advice all over in order to truly learn everything you can. In some cases the advice you will get will seem a little similar. However, the way it may be described may give you new ideas and spark additional tweaks to your techniques. We hope to be your central resource. We also hope you turn to forums and other how to lucid dream websites as well. And you may find it useful to band together with friends and others you are close with in this quest to learn how to have lucid dreams so you can stay motivated and learn from the experience of others.
- Here is Wikipedia on lucid dreams in general
- Psychology Today also covers how to attain lucidity
- The Atlantic has this article about dream control
How to Have Lucid Dreams: Visitor participation
The lucid dreaming stories of others can be motivating and helpful!
We welcome the input of those who are experienced and can tell their stories. We also welcome the questions of novices and those just starting out. In addition, we appreciate input about our content or about the functionality of our website as a whole. We may publish, with your permission and with attribution, any information such as these lucid dreaming stories you submit on our front page. Given that we aim to be fully unbiased and independent. We cannot publish information or advice about any how to lucid dream service or product. We may allow appropriate links in comments at times.
We hope you will share the information you learn here. Let people know about us if you find it helpful. Please also share your own experiences in learning how to have a lucid dream. This will help us add to or modify and of the information we carry here. We will try to stay up-to-date and informative. Your input can only help in this regard. Our goal is to help as many people as possible learn how to have a lucid dream. Our visitors can help improve our ability to do just that. Please provide us with feedback and advice.
Thank you for your interest in contributing or asking a question!
We would love input about:
- How to lucid dream tips and how to – what worked for you and what didn’t work.
- Suggestions about other independent resources that help you control dreams.
- Providing your own feedback your how to lucid dream techniques and experiences
- Suggestions for a specific post topic regarding how to have lucid dreams
- Any relevant feedback or advice or your own stories
- Any problems with links or other aspects of our site
Once again, thank you for visiting, and we hope you will learn how to have a dream tonight! And don’t forget to visit our Paid Services page if you would like our fully guaranteed help in how to lucid dream.
Now, we ask you: Are you dreaming?