Using foods for lucid dreaming dosing is actually quite easy. Of course as with any supplement you own body chemistry and metabolism may mean that you need more or less than a normal dose, so any review of lucid dreaming and Foods for lucid dreaming dosing is not necessarily going to lead you to the uniquely perfect dose for you. That said, we suggest that you start with a low dose in order to see whether you might experience side effects and to see if you can save money by not having to use as much while still getting the desired effect. You will not just be taking this supplement (or any lucid dreaming supplement) in order to achieve success, but instead using this as part of a comprehensive approach. You don’t need to rush into a higher dose, and instead can be slow and steady in trying lower doses first.
Foods for lucid dreaming and Lucid Dreaming Experiences
Let’s start with the fact that this lucid dreaming supplement can be used for both wake-induced and dream induced lucid dreaming techniques, WILD and DILD respectively. For this purpose we are going to favor dream induced techniques because this may be the best way to make sure that you have as many chances as possible – in this case your chances will occur every time you pass through a REM period of sleep. And since Foods for lucid dreaming is reported to make dreams more vivid and clear, the cornerstone of the lucid dreaming technique we would suggest is one that notices dream signs. Choose a few dream signs, whether looking at your reflection, noticing your hands, looking at the color of the sky, or other things that in the dream world may be different or distorted. The steps involved include the following:
1.Spend you day thinking about lucid dreaming, and in particular looking for dream signs. Ask yourself “am I dreaming” while looking at the colors around you, your reflection, your hands, or the people around you. Does everything look right? Does anything look off?
2.Make sure you’ll be able to get a nice uninterrupted sleep that night. Choose a night when you’ll have a little time in the morning to write down or at least consider your dreams from the night before. Choose a day that you are likely to be tired at night.
- Take this supplement before bed. At least this is a good place to start. You may find that you are better off taking it earlier, like with dinner, or later, perhaps by waking yourself up in the middle of the night. The optimal time to take Foods for lucid dreaming to enhance lucid dreaming techniques may vary from person to person.
- As you are falling asleep remind yourself that you are hoping to have lucid dreams. Give yourself suggestions that you will notice dream signs and become lucid. This of things you read here about Foods for lucid dreaming and lucid dreaming techniques, and at other places about lucid dreams in general.
- In the morning when you wake up make sure you consider your dreams before you move around much, and certainly before you get up. Did the combination of Foods for lucid dreaming and lucid dreaming techniques work? If so congratulations! If not try all of this again next week.
- The combination of Foods for lucid dreaming and lucid dreaming techniques may not work the very first time you try, or even the second or third. Do not alter the above until you have tried it at least several times.
These are the general things to track as part of your Foods for lucid dreaming review, or when taking any lucid dreaming supplement. And if you decide that you will alternate Foods for lucid dreaming with another supplement, or perhaps that you will try very different techniques such as wake-induced and dream-induced, you need to very specifically track those changes too. The goal is not just to see if this lucid dreaming supplement works for you, but how to maximize its effectiveness and make sure you are using it optimally. You may also need to see whether it loses any effectiveness and may need a tweak or two to get back on track.
If you so choose it would be great to hear what conclusions your dream journals led you too when it comes to your own Foods for lucid dreaming review in the comments section. That may provide a short cut to others who are also trying this lucid dreaming supplement as far as using it effectively, or it may at least give others ideas as far as what to track. Best of luck as you use a journal or other similar method for your own Foods for lucid dreaming review.