When people are not asleep they have reported effects from brainwave entrainment which can set the stage for lucid dreaming.  In general they induce a state of relaxation, focus, and openness which of course are the perfect precursor to lucid dreaming and a relaxed dream-like state.

Effects of Brainwave Entrainment on Lucid Dreaming

More specifically they produce:

  • Physical relaxation that can be quite deep and comfortable and lead into a restful sleep that allows for longer and more vivid dream states.  In fact, some people report that dreams themselves are more relaxed and positive when they start this gently.  This can be important because as advanced lucid dreamers know the dream states can sometimes be a little hostile
  • Mental peace of mind and clarity which may lead to an added vividness of the dreams and perhaps a longer duration.  This can help you remember more details and generally experience more realistic dreams.  THis open and aware state is a great match for what you are looking for in your lucid dreaming experience.
  • Visual stimuli such as colors and shapes may appear with brainwave entrainment, again leading to the potential for more vivid dream experiences.  In other words, if you are using wake induced techniques, brainwave entrainment can facilitate a smooth transition to the dream state
  •  A sense of floating and being light comes with the deep relaxation that brainwave entrainment create, again, a great way to transition using wake induced lucid dreaming techniques.  It can also be a fun way to bring more vividness to daydreams as well.
  • A sense of being in a dream like state while awake can happen and it might be hard to tell when the wake state ends and dream begins, again exactly what we are looking for when we use wake induced lucid dreaming techniques..

Use of Brainwave entrainment for Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreamers use the brainwave entrainment lucid dreaming connection in two ways.  They either use them right before bed to get them in the right frame of mind for relaxing sleep, or they use them during the time when they are likely dreaming naturally to extend that period and perhaps enhance it.  There have been studies that back the idea that brainwave entrainment for lucid dreaming works, at least for those looking to set the stage for a relaxing sleep.  You should try both methods, but not at the same time.  See which one works for you over a period of at least two weeks before changing methods.  And of course you should also experiment with the volume you play them at, the type of beat sound, and the duration you play them.  In all, you should keep at it and don’t give up on this form of lucid dream music too early.  Make brainwave entrainment part of your routine.

Brainwave Entrainment and Lucid Dreaming

The effects of brainwave entrainment is changes in consciousness and related changes in physical perception.  If chosen carefully, brainwave entrainment can be relaxing for many people (other brainwave entrainment can actually be stimulating, but you would not choose those types for the purpose of lucid dreaming.   You instead will want to choose ones that promote a delta of one to four Hz and a theta of four to eight Hz in order to get the most relaxed, introspective and creative brain state.  Don’t worry if this sounds complicated – the makers of brainwave entrainment have usually done this homework for you and if they are marketing beats that are relaxing they have likely chosen the correct frequency.

You may not want to merely listen to brainwave entrainment and do nothing else.  Remember to stick to solid lucid dreaming techniques and you can even add a direct induction tape or other lucid dreaming music as well.  Or you can use white noise in the background to be sure that extraneous noises do not affect the process.  Finally, you may want to use relaxing breathing exercises, self-hypnosis, or even biofeedback at the same time as you use brainwave entrainment.

Brainwave Entrainment and Lucid Dreaming Connection

The brainwave entrainment lucid dreaming connection has gained notoriety in the lucidity community, and are certainly worth trying as a booster or when you are in a rut.  There is no worry about somehow becoming dependent on them given that all they are really doing is helping you relax, with no long-term effects. Isochronic Tones and brainwave entrainment are two very interesting lucid dreaming technologies.  Here is the Wikipedia page about Brainwave entrainment.

On this page we go over the effects of brainwave entrainment for lucid dreaming, how to best use them, and where you can find them.  We also offer a page that specifically covers how to ensure that you are using the best brainwave entrainment.  Once again, this form of lucid dream music in itself is unlikely to directly lead to lucid dreaming, but if you use solid techniques the brainwave entrainment lucid dreaming connection can provide a boost to your chances and may help you have them more often and more vividly.

Best of luck if you do try to use brainwave entrainment for lucid dreaming!