
What is Lucid Dreaming

What is Lucid Dreaming, and How is it Learned "What is Lucid Dreaming?" or "What is a Lucid Dream? are common first questions of those who have heard of the possibility of attaining dream control and want to know how this is achieved.  This section of our website is...

Supplements for Vivid Dreams

Supplements for vivid dreams and lucid dreaming experiences go hand in hand.  These supplements are very popular with those who are pursuing lucidity in their dreams, and they seems to set the stage well by making dreams more memorable.  Supplements for vivid dreams...

How to Dream About Whatever You Want

Learning how to dream about whatever you want is a major goal of lucid dreamers.  Lucid dreams provide a wonderful way to have adventures and do things that are not possible while awake.  Our site covers the very latest tips and tricks when it comes to lucid dreams,...

Lucid Dreaming Reality Checks

Lucid dreaming reality checks, put simply, are those things that you can do to see whether you are dreaming.  Lucid dreams tend to bend reality a bit (or a lot!), and thus if you train yourself to do reality checks for lucid dreaming during the day you may find...

Types of Lucid Dreaming and Types of Lucid Dreams

Types of Lucid Dreams There are several types of lucid dreaming.  For some one or the other comes more naturally, where for others hard work and persistence can lead to success with any of them.  The way we break down the types of lucid dreams is as follows:...

DILD Lucid Dreaming

DILD Lucid Dreaming Techniques DILD Lucid Dreaming, as opposed to WILD lucid dreaming, involves using techniques that bring you directly from the dream state to lucidity.  In other words, the dream starts first and then you realize that you are dreaming, as...

WILD Lucid Dreaming: Wake Induced Lucid Dream

WILD Lucid Dreaming: The Wake Induced Lucid Dream WILD lucid dreaming may sound like a description of what might happen in the dream, crazy and fanciful things.  That might be true, but that is not what this term points to.  The wake induced lucid dream is...

Update: How to Have Lucid Dreams That Last

One of the wonderful things about the how to have a lucid dream techniques we cover here is that they are tried and true.  They have been successfully used for so long that they are refined.  They are also quite simple and make is easy to learn how to have a lucid...

Galantamine Tablets and Pills Update

What are Galantamine Tablets or Galantamine Pills for lucid dreaming anyway?  We can look to answer that question in several ways, from what is the chemical compound to why has it been used.  Many people want to know more about any potential supplement they are...

Brainwave Entrainment and Lucid Dreaming

When people are not asleep they have reported effects from brainwave entrainment which can set the stage for lucid dreaming.  In general they induce a state of relaxation, focus, and openness which of course are the perfect precursor to lucid dreaming and a relaxed...

Scary Lucid Dreams

Scary lucid dreams can be off-putting to some and many people in the lucid dreaming community have shared a common concern: When they have scary lucid dreams they get so excited that they quickly wake up.  The lucid dream itself becomes very short and the opportunity...

Lucid Dreaming Books

There are many lucid reaming books you can choose from that can help you learn how to have lucid dreams.  Many of the best lucid dreaming books are good for both the beginner looking for some starting techniques, and the more advanced lucid dreamer who wants to learn...

What are Lucid Dreams

What are lucid dreams?  This is a question that you might commonly ask when you are starting out, or be asked by others after you start.  People are generally intrigued by this art, and while it generally makes sense to most, the question is often asked in order to...

How to Lucid Dream Fast

Many want to learn how to lucid dream fast and in this case it may be possible to give some tips that will help this become a reality.  That said, to have consistent high quality lucid dreams you need to put significant time and effort into your techniques.  If you've...

What is Lucid Dreaming Like?

Many will ask "what is lucid dreaming like?" when you tell them that you are working on achieving dream control.  Of course the immediate and easiest answer is that the experience of having a lucid dream is wonderful and amazing, and you might list some of the...

History of Lucid Dreaming

The history of lucid dreaming goes back a very long time, and it can even be supposed that as long as humans have had dreams they have likely had episodes of lucidity spontaneously.  Thus we divide our history of lucid dreaming into two sections, one being about the...

Lucid Dream Tea: Recipes and Information

A Lucid Dream Tea, like other lucid dreaming supplements, is a bit of a misnomer.  There is nothing you can take to directly induce lucidity.  A lucid dreaming tea and other supplements can help set the stage for lucid dreams by making your dreams more frequent,...

Lucid Dreaming for Beginners

Lucid Dreaming for Beginners

Lucid dreaming for beginners is not much different from lucid dreaming for those who have done this for a while.  Experiences of lucidity are natural and even common, and both beginners and those who are more advanced can learn the techniques necessary to have lucid...

Lucid Dreaming Facts

Lucid Dreaming Facts

Lucid dreaming facts are a way to summarize the wonder and potential of lucid dreams in one concise list.  Of course we cannot possibly cover all there is to know about lucid dreaming in one post, so what we've tried to do is put together a listing of lucid dreaming...

Lucid Dream Inducer

Lucid Dream Inducer

A lucid dream inducer can increase you chances at lucidity, and in many cases you can do this without spending a lot of money.  On this post we go over the three most common forms of lucid dream inducer, with the goal of giving you a general overview.  Many people...

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