Lucid Dreaming Music
The best lucid dream music to increase your chances at transcendent lucidity.Other Excellent Products
Direct Induction
Our favorite direct induction lucid dreaming music is this CD that uses an innovative and interesting “senses-initiated” approach.
Binaural Beats
Our favorite binaural beats are relaxing, well-produced, and scientifically solid. They produce excellent brainwave entrainment.
Meditation with Music
If you have had success with or would like to try meditation along with relaxing music, this CD is excellent.
Lucid Dreaming Music
Lucid Dreaming induction music can be played underneath many types of soothing music to help you have lucid dreams. Most lucid dream induction music techniques that you will try likely have you somehow realize that you are dreaming because something does not seem right. Using the method of “dream signs” you might notice that your hands are distorted, that someone does not look right, or that you cannot see your reflection. And since you spent so much time during your waking life looking for these dream signs, your dreaming self followed suit and noticed that something was amiss. And what follows is a wonderful journey and adventure – you’d induced a lucid dream!
We cover many types of lucid dreaming music here, and you should read this page and others to figure out which lucid dream music will work best for you.
Best Lucid Dream Music
Lucid dreaming induction with music can work in two ways: The lucid dream induction music itself can be a trigger to lucidity, and there can be specific instructions played under the lucid dreaming induction music itself. For the former method, if you routinely play a certain relaxing type of music at bedtime or when you are literally falling asleep, you may notice that this music persists in the dream state. But when you are dreaming you notice not only the music but your dream signs as well. The song or type of music itself becomes a trigger – each time you hear it you know to look around and ask yourself “am I dreaming”. In addition, the lucid dreaming induction music itself becomes a constant reminder of your lucid dreaming goals, and generally the more you think about lucid dreaming in your waking state, the more likely it is that you will have a lucid dream.
What Is Lucid Dreaming Music
You should educate yourself before you buy any because there are actually three distinct types:
Lucid Dream Induction Music Characteristics
Of course for sound induced lucid dreaming the music must not only be relaxing (you’re playing it as you fall asleep of course), but also distinct so that it becomes a specific sign and a specific memory. Many excellent lucid dreaming music CDs provide both of these qualities, and you can also use your own homemade lucid dreaming music CD. It’s best to invest in a CD player that will loop the CD, playing it over and over. This will allow you to have a shorter song or set of songs that will still persist as long as you want.
The second method by which lucid dreaming induction music can work goes beyond just the soothing and recognizable music. Some CDs also have direct induction words that play in the background but are audible. This type of lucid dreaming induction music is designed to literally show up in the dream. Most commonly associated with wake-induced lucid dreaming (WILD), these inductions remain audible as you enter the dream, forming a bridge of sorts that can help you attain lucidity.
Sometimes the lucid dreaming induction music CD will merely play certain words over and over so that they become integrated with the dream and a part of your entry into it. Other times they will be longer sentences designed to instruct you in detail into the dream state. One way or another this type of induction is meant to sooth you, relax you, and then carry you into the dream. Soon the words might fade as you go deeper into sleep and fully into the dream, which is good of course because you don;t want the induction CD to actually wake you.
Using Lucid Dreaming Induction Music
Of course this lucid dreaming induction music can be paired with something like binaural beats for added effect. And just like anything else to do with lucid dreaming you need to be playing the music and the induction during the day and thinking about it as much as possible throughout the day so that it becomes a part of your techniques, just like asking yourself if you are dreaming. And you should realize that this type of lucid dreaming induction music can get just a strange and distorted in the dream as everything else, so while listening to it during the day or while falling asleep, notice how good and coherent it sounds.
Whether you actually hear the words or this music merely becomes yet another reminder that you are dreaming, we hope this works for you!
Lucid dreaming induction music instructions
Lucid dreaming induction music provides gentle and quite simple guidance as you drift off to sleep to stay aware of whether you are dreaming (and this type of direct induction does even work for some people who use dream-induced lucid dreaming (DILD) techniques too, if it is timed to go on at the correct time of night or morning). Lucid dream induction underneath soothing music can even become its own dream sign!
Some lucid dreaming music with direct induction is actually quite simple, merely repeating certain phrases such as:
– “are you dreaming?”
– “control your dream”
– “look at the signs”
In this way you hear the phrase that you are using to trigger a fully lucid dream over and over, and it becomes fixed in your mind to the degree that you ask yourself the same question in your dream state. This kind of direct lucid dreaming induction might also be referred to as dream sign reminders.
Using different kinds of lucid dreaming music
However, other lucid dreaming induction music takes you through a few steps, for example having you relax, drift off, notice you are dreaming, and then having you look for a chosen dream sign. These are the steps that lead into lucid dreaming so this type of induction, even though brief and simple, can work very well for those who want an internal boost to the instructions they are giving themselves. If you do well with hearing instruction out loud – like having a coach by your side – but you do not feel like having anything too complicated playing under the music, then this type of simple induction os for you.
And still other types of lucid dreaming induction with music is more detailed and somewhat like a long relaxation tape, designed to put you in the most relaxed state possible so as to set up the perfect atmosphere for a potential lucid dream. The instructions may read like an old-fashioned self-hypnosis tape, guiding you through a variety of steps until you are in the dream state, and then guiding you through specific steps to get you to become lucid. These longer lucid dream induction tapes are favored by those who want the entire process to be external so they can just relax and listen.
You should use direct dream induction music as often as you’d like, and experiment with everything from the different types of music covered above, the volume it’s played at, and the time of night it’s used. Again, you could either start with the dream induction music playing right away, have it timed to start at some point in the night when you normally experience your longest REM periods, or set an alarm so that you wake up briefly to turn it on.
DIY Lucid dreaming induction music
Many people ask about making their own direct dream induction lucid dreaming music and this is definitely a possibility. Just think of the steps in any good lucid dreaming technique – perhaps visit our parent site at The Lucid Dreaming Center – and use your own voice to guide you through. You may find that you have to re-record a few times to get the volume, timing, and overall details perfect, but some people find that the best lucid dreaming induction music tape there is is the one they designed and produced themselves.
Of course please see our sister site The Lucid Dreaming Center for lucid dream induction techniques, and of course forums are always a good place to get advice about inducing lucid dreams.
Please let us know how lucid dream induction music worked for you. Best of luck if lucid dreaming induction music is for you!
Binaural Beats
espite the above, binaural beats continue to have a strong following. Some might say that there is really no clear choice between binaural beats and isochronic tones. It may really be just a matter of preference or what works better. In both cases we are seeing more and more free sites. It may be that you can download free binaural beats at no cost or low-cost and try them out. We can help you find the best binaural beats out there. Even those who prefer this method would admit that they can be a little more cumbersome since they require the use of headphones. That should not stand in the way if they are the method that works best for you in inducing lucid dreaming.
From Our Founder
Part of the Plan
Best Lucid Dream Music
To boil it down, we would expect that lucid dreaming music would be an effective aid that would help you have more frequent and perhaps longer lucid dreams. Yet they will not be a magic bullet and you’d still have to try solid techniques and be patient. Lucid dream music might also help you out when you are running into a rut as far as the frequency of your lucidity. It might also help when you are on a plateau and want to have more. But in all you should not have to become reliant on these methods to actually achieve lucidity. Eventually you should be able to be successful without any type of aid.
Lucid Dreaming Music Sharing
There are two ways to share the experience of lucid dreaming. First, you can involve a partner or close friend in your quest so that you can motivate and learn from each other. Second, you can join a community online or use a website like this to share your experiences with music to induce lucid dreaming. We explore both possibilities below.
Lucid Dreaming Music and a Partner
Many of you considering lucid dreaming music to help you achieve regular lucid dreams do not sleep alone. You may share your bed with a partner. And since it is hard to wear earphones or headphones while you sleep, those of you trying dream-induced lucid dreaming – where you want the lucid dreams to come well into your sleep cycle – will be playing your chosen lucid dreaming music out loud. So, what happens to your partner when you do this? Could you help them have a lucid dreaming experience before you do, or at the same time?
Share the magic of lucid dream music
This possibility is particularly in play if you use a type of lucid sleep music that is a bit less unique and personal. In other words, if you make your own direct induction tape knowing what you know about your own personality and responsiveness, then the chances of this type of aide working for your partner are less. But if you use something more general, such as binaural beats or either type of induction from a script and in a voice that came with it, you may actually help your partner achieve lucidity as well.
This phenomenon is particularly interesting when your partner is wary of lucid dreaming or does not think it possible. He or she may suddenly be made a believer when he or she experiences it. Of course this can also be nice when a couple wants to try out lucid dreaming together and they agree on this method to help them start. The only challenge might be if a certain type of lucid dreaming music works for one and not both. The other person wants to try another technique. It can be a challenge but can also be solved by alternating types of lucid dreaming music by night, or even trying a combination approach – e.g. playing binaural beats behind a direct induction tape.
Lucid Sleep Music Community.
As always we welcome feedback from those readers who have tried any lucid dreaming music experience. Since we are not directly connected with any manufacturer or distributor of any lucid dream music product, we welcome positive and not-so-positive experiences on any links we provide. Our only goal is to help promote dream control for as many people as possible by promoting musical aids. If you can assist our readers in this journey, we welcome your input. For example, if you have tried isochronic tones or binaural beats, let us know how it went.
Sharing Your Experiences Here
We particularly encourage the feedback of more experienced lucid dreamers. We’d love to hear from those who have had success with lucid dreaming music. Your stories and advice in the information we provide can be helpful to others (with your permission of course). We are a free and unbiased site. We want to tap into as many resources as possible in order to provide others with a comprehensive set of information that gives everyone the best chance at lucidity.
Did you have success or not? Had you tried other methods? It would be a wonderful breakthrough if this particular technology truly took off. Maybe this would bring even more people into the world of lucid dreams. However, even if this method only works for some, we would consider that a success given how wonderful this process is and how exciting it will be for those people.