Lucid dreaming and aromatherapy can be an excellent pairing.  In fact aromatherapy and lucid dreaming have been connected for some time.  In this post we go over that connection and how to make it work best.

While our site generally covers lucid dreaming supplements – those pills and liquids you can take to give yourself a better chance at having lucid dreams or remembering your lucid dreaming experiences, there is a highly related category of natural way to induce the best possible atmosphere within which to have lucid dreams, and that is aromatherapy. Basically, people are doing two things to try to enhance their chances at having lucid dreams. Some are just setting certain flowers and herbs close to their bed, perhaps using an infuser or some other method to help these ingredients give off the aroma that can help with the dream induction or recall process. Others are putting these herbal mixtures under their pillow or even in their pillowcase on top of their pillow so that the aroma will be close by. As with lucid dreaming supplements, these methods don’t necessarily directly induce lucid dreams, but rather they help to set the stage.

Aromatherapy and Lucid Dreaming Ingredients

What are some of the ingredients that people are using? This is just a partial list:

– To help with a restful sleep that gives the best chance at dream experiences and recall, the old standards including Lavender and Chamomile might be used.

– To more directly create increased or more vivid dreams, the popular lucid dreaming supplement mugwort can also be used in aromatherapy. Also, Passionflower, Sage, and Geranium could be used alone or mixed in.

– More general solutions that seem to work in several ways include Anise and Rose

You may have your own experience with certain aromatherapy ingredients that seem to help promote restful sleep, more dreams, or more vivid dreaming experiences.  And you may find that experimenting to get the right mixture of several of the above possibilities works well.  These approaches can be used in combination with lucid dreaming supplements for a truly powerful approach.

Lucid dreaming Aromatherapy Tips

Aromatherapy and Lucid Dreams is a straightforward means of inducing the perfect state for lucidity.  Basically, with use aromatherapy for lucid dreaming along with direct induction music that behind it has audible instructions that help you relax, fall asleep, and hopefully transition to a lucid state.  Aromatherapy plus lucid dreaming music is so straightforward that the tips we will provide here may be somewhat obvious, but if you do use this method and are not seeing quick results, you may want to try one or more of these suggestions.

Aromatherapy and Lucid Dreaming Process

  1. While using aromatherapy for lucid dreaming along with music vary the volume of the music and of the direct induction instructions separately if you can.  In other words, you may want to play the music a little louder while leaving the voice instructions the same, or vice versa.  For some the best settings have the voice instructions only slightly audible behind soothing music, while for others the music is quite secondary to the voice instruction.  And of course for some having them relatively the same volume works best – and this is where we would suggest you start.
  2. Vary the actual lucid dreaming aromatherapy ingredients you are using.  It’s quite easy to overlook this idea because those who use aromatherapy for lucid dreaming often focus on process.  Don’t overlook changing the ingredients a but as well.  For some this helps a lot.
  3. For some, eliminating the music altogether and just using aromatherapy for lucid dreaming is the way to go.  Again, be aware that it’s often the combination of music and the aromatherapy that makes this all work, not one or the other.
  4. Of course varying the instructions may be important as well.  This may be as simple as allowing a longer time between steps toward the lucid state, or literally changing what is said and the steps themselves.  Buying ready-made Aromatherapy ingredients and a ready made Lucid Dreams tape will leave little room for change, though it will help you start with a fully complete script.  When you do change the instructions and the ingredients it should be to either give yourself longer at each step or be more specific about the instructions you give.
  5. Try Aromatherapy for both dream-induced and wake-induced experiences.  Lucid dreaming aromatherapy can be used at the time you are falling asleep and entering the dream state.  Some people use it in the middle of the night while others use it when they are going to take a daytime nap.  These are both possibilities for aromatherapy for lucid dreaming, and if you have minimal or no success at one make sure to try the other as well – in fact, even if you have a little success it still might be worth trying the other.
  6. If you’ve only used a pre-made mix, try making your own Aromatherapy may work too.  You may find that you feel most connected to your own mix, so it might actually work better.  On the other hand, if you start with your own homemade Aromatherapy you may want to switch to a pre-made mix too.  You could even try having a friend or family member make one for you.

These are just a few tips for using aromatherapy for lucid dreaming as an aide.  In all, it is worth experimenting with all of these tips and the techniques elsewhere on this site in combination with your lucid dreaming aromatherapy.